Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Philosophy of Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy of Time - Essay Example On the other hand, Isaac Newton defined a number of significant ideas including that of time. Even though he understood that clocks were imperfect and measuring time was subjected to human fault, he believed that absolute time was comparable to a worldwide, supreme God-like time, one similar to everyone, in all places; people would experience time in a similar manner no matter the place. Since chronological time is solely somewhat adequate in an experiential sense and totally inadequate to clutch the meaning of aging, there is need to combine both a broader cultural and a personal sense to revive other temporal perspectives. The aim of both perspectives, symbolized in the main positions of Augustine, Aristotle, the existential philosopher Heidegger, and phenomenologist Husserl, has been to make up time as such from their views. There are benefits that an individual might derive from philosophy of time. First there is a clear relationship between the human mind and time. St Augustine adopted a subjective opinion of time stating, "It is in you, O my mind, that I measure time,† (St. Augustine) meaning that human mind actually structures a person’s perception so that he can know the fact that time is likened to a mathematical line. In this theory therefore, I believe that time is a form of conscious knowledge, and people’s sense of it is a vital condition of their sensation or experience. Philosophy of time is important in planning for the past, the present, and the future. C.S. Lewis argues that our life changes with time. He articulated that "The duration of consciousness is not the same as the consciousness of duration." (C.S. Lewis). One moment disappears when another moment sets in and this is what gives room for noticeable developments in one’s life. This arrangement is not the only way that life is experienced by each one of us, but also the way by which all things happen or exist. We tend to assume that everything happens just the way we wish it to happen, when time elapses. Philosophy of time is a crucial factor in each one’s life. Life comes with it the opportunity to discover the livelihood of a person, to learn about anything, and to relate with nature. Modern society has an impact on the daily lives of individuals and therefore, the sense of efficiency result in increased responsibilities and tasks, which must be completed within a short time. No wonder Marcus Aurelius stated, "If you want to stop wasting your life in vain fantasies, perform every act in life as though it were your last," (Marcus Aurelius) to mean that people should not spend much of their time thinking of impossibilities, but rather use that chance to the maximum and to their best. People need to employ their time wisely, avoiding too much hurry to pause and taste life; they should never loss their sense of the extensive value of a single minute. In the Zen philosophy and time nature, William Blake is quoted attributing, - "The essence of Zen is to learn to do just one thing at a time" (William Blake). In my understanding, this implies that people ought to learn to live like ancient philosophers, by having specifications in their daily chores. Lacking this kind of philosophical thought of time may mess up an individual’s activities. Doing too much at ago violates the meaning and significance of how wisely a person should utilize time. Striving to achieve every goal at ago may only lead

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legalization of Marijuana - Research Paper Example Teenagers are naturally inquisitive, one of the justifications given for this age group experimenting with drugs. They also are inclined to become bored easily and experience recurrent emotional highs and lows, all probable factors in teenage marijuana use. Drug use increases the chance that teenagers will contract a social disease, become pregnant, perform inadequately in school and attempt suicide as this paper will examine. State and Support Three Claims Adolescents are in a more vulnerable life circumstance than are adults because teens are still developing in every facet of their lives. Regrettably, it is this same group that has the most access to marijuana as schools have become prolific illegal drug stores. Statistics collected by the National Institute on Drug Abuse demonstrate that schoolchildren have easy access to drugs and alcohol. â€Å"The average age of first alcohol use is 12 and the average age of first drug use is 13. Almost two-thirds of all American young people try illicit drugs before they finish high school† (Anderson, 1996) The relationship between illegal drug use among teens and an increased occurrence of sexual activity is a broadly accepted reality by both researchers and the general public. Many studies have time and again demonstrated an association between unsafe sexual behavior and illegal drug use by teenagers. Drug users are more prone to take risks than do teens that don’t use drugs. This may be an obvious assertion but a tendency to take unnecessary chances with their health combined with a lowering of inhibitions while on drugs and the inherent need of all teens to feel accepted by their peer group leads to increased sexual activity. This problematic circumstance also enhances the chance of teens having multiple sexual partners, having sex at an earlier age and decreases the odds that they will utilize contraception than those that do not use marijuana. â€Å"Teens 15 and older who use drugs are five times mo re likely to have sex than are those teens who do not use drugs and teens who have used marijuana are four times more likely to have been pregnant or to have gotten someone pregnant than teens who have never smoked pot† (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1997). Teenagers are more emotionally unstable younger children and adults which explains the higher suicide rate among that age group. A study involving teenagers found that of those who attempted suicide, illegal drug abuse was the most often shared aspect of their lives. Of the teens that committed suicide, 70 per cent were regular users of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. However, this study and current research reveal that drug use alone may not instigate suicide just that drug use and teen suicide is statically related. Teens who experience emotional troubles to a higher degree than their classmates have an even greater likelihood of considering suicide and to use illegal drugs. Additionally drugs could magnify a pre-existing emotional condition and â€Å"may impair the judgment of teens considering suicide, making suicide attempts more likely† (Shaffer et al, 1996). Discussing Arguments: Dialogue The majority and probably all countries of the world face the steady trafficking of illegal drugs across their borders. Countries are increasingly realizing that the illegal importation of drugs, a criminal act, generally involves people of foreign origin, is ultimately more harmful to society than is